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  • Professional

Biz Filter for Outlook help document

Regular expression

Regular expressions can be used to determine the filtering conditions of Biz Filter for Outlook.
Regular expressions work of this add-in software based on the Windows .NET Framework specification.
For details, see the Microsoft website.

This document explains the description method used for general purposes.

Character Escapes

Matches a tab
Matches a carriage return
Matches a new line
Matches any white-space character

Meta characters

Wildcard: Matches any single character except \n
The match must start at the beginning of the string
The match must occur at the end of the string
Matches the previous element zero or more times
Matches the previous element one or more times
Matches the previous element zero or one time
Matches any one element separated by the vertical bar (|) character
Any single character in group
Captures the matched subexpression and assigns it a one-based ordinal number
Captures the matched subexpression into a named group


Matching characters captured with the capture group name can be used to create folders.

There is a lot of information on the website about regular expressions, so please refer to that information as well.


The regular expression function is available with a professional license (or higher).

Software support is available on the inquiry page on our web site, but we do not answer inquiries regarding how to write regular expressions.