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Biz Filter for Outlook help document


Biz Filter for Outlook is an add-in software that complements the Outlook filtering rules.

Explorer ribbon nemu

Reason for development of this Addin

Outlook rules have the following main points that are difficult to use.

Main functions

Biz Filter for Outlook provides a new distribution function that eliminates these limitations.
In addition, various functions necessary for mail operation are available.

Biz Filter for Outlook is an add-in that specializes in the ability to filter incoming and outgoing emails to specific folders.
There are no functions such as automatically replying, flagging, or linking reminders.
(There is a possibility to implement such a function in the future.)

With Biz Filter for Outlook's filtering function, time-series exchanges tailored to customers and projects can be realized.

E-mail business operations can be implemented more efficiently.