Since Biz Filter for Outlook is difficult to synchronize with the operation of Outlook, there are various limitations.
Filtering rule priority
Outlook sort rules take precedence over Biz Filter filtering rules.
If the mail was supposed to be filtered but not left in the log, the Outlook journal entry rule may have been preferentially executed.
Maximam selection limit
Considering the load on the system, the number of emails subject to filtering is limited to 4096 for the trigger folder.
Yield filters can be processed at the same time up to 4096, Cross filters can be processed up to 4096 for inbox and 4096 for sent items at the same time.
Immediately after creating an account
For example, immediately after creating a new account, the add-in cannot access the account folder.
You can access correctly them by restarting Outlook.
Rename or delete folder
If you change the name of an Outlook mail folder that has been set for filtering, the filtering function may not be processed correctly.
Make sure to redefine the distribution rules.
Changed license grade
There is a limit to the number of filtering rules that can be saved for each license grade.
About Performance
You may be dissatisfied with the processing speed when unsorting existing mail at once.
The add-in cannot execute a long process, and the mail information in Outlook changes every time it is filtered, so it takes time to search for existing mail.
Move to other accounts
Filtering email between accounts is not currently supported.