Biz Filter for Outlook
At first
This document is the manual of Biz Filter for Outlook add-in software.
If you have any troubles, please see the FAQ page on menu.
Before using this add-in
By using this software, you are deemed to have agreed to our privacy policy and license agreement.
Please note that we will not be liable for any reason for any damage caused to the computer by using this software, and stored information due to the nature of the software.
About license-specific instructions
This document describes all functions of the software.
For descriptions that are restricted by license type, the license format to be covered is indicated in the check display at the top right of the document.
Please refer to the "Licenses and Restrictions" page for information on trial licenses.
The copyright of this software belongs to Seasoft Corporation.
All names of companies and products shown in this software or in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
Copying or printing this document may be freely used by registered individuals or organizations, but please do not transfer or sell it to a third party.
About viewing this documents
Please read this document before using this software.
In this document, each detailed information can be displayed by clicking the menu on the left side.
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